photo-10Should i blame in on a ‘Monday’ that my sauce for the salmon just fell apart. The butter just separated and it turned into clarified butter. Too bad for all the efforts. So that is the deal with sauces. Detail is of upmost importance. The technique too, as i just hurriedly threw in the butter so it didn’t work-seems like butter needs to be added and whisked all along. Also i need to remind myself that even if a dish seems easy during the demonstration, it may not really be that easy and overconfidence is only a trap. My salmon skin wasn’t fried as crispy as it should have been. So a few blunders, anyways its all a part of my learning and adding on to my experience. This is a very beautiful dish, healthy and i love the spinach combination with the salmon. Our salmon wasn’t fried all the way. We left some raw for our creativity and imagination.

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